Will sandblasting cleaning teeth effectively remove smoke st
Oral experts remind that, mouthwash immediately after smoking, regular scaling, and improving the smoothness of the teeth, can slow down the speed of ... [MORE]
What is the effect of sandblasting cleaning teeth?
Sandblasting cleaning also can remove some dental plaque and pigment,which is on the surface of the teeth, and reduce tartar formation. [MORE]
What is the process of ultrasonic scaler?
Shenzhen oral experts introduce that, the process of ultrasonic scaler mainly has the following three steps. [MORE]
Will ultrasonic scaling damage the teeth?
Shenzhen dental experts introduce that, ultrasonic scaling is mainly by ultrasonic vibrations to smash the dental calculus. This process do not damage... [MORE]
Will ultrasonic scaling feel pain?
Ultrasonic scaling as a safety and a significant effect of scaling, by many of the crowd favorite.And it is not painful. [MORE]
Some Tips to Keep Your Teeth White
You’ve spent time and money to brighten your smile. Follow these tips to keep it that way [MORE]
When Will I Can See My Beautiful Teeth?
Take a photo of your smile before you use an OTC whitening kit the first time. Take a second a week later. Compare the two. If you see a change, it’s ... [MORE]
Does Bleaching Work?
Teeth that are stained by medicines don’t tend to lighten well. [MORE]
Is Bleaching Safe?
You want to make sure there aren’t any underlying problems like decay or periodontal disease that could be causing your teeth to turn yellow, [MORE]
What Is Teeth Whitening?
Whitening products are not meant to clean teeth, it is still important to continue practicing daily oral hygiene by brushing twice a day. [MORE]