Why do the teeth turn yellow?
A lot of people are worried about yellow teeth, so what is the cause of the teeth become yellow?
First, the physiological changes tooth color
Can black teeth be whitened?
Doctors said that Shenzhen dental hospital introduces the American second generation BEYOND tooth whitening system which is currently more advanced ... [MORE]
How to treat for yellow teeth?
Beautiful white teeth are more likely to be welcomed by others and also can increase self-confidence but the problem of yellow teeth has plagued many... [MORE]
Whitening teeth can make you smile
As we all know, we can't brush teeth very clean and yellow teeth with pan black brings small embarrassment to us. In order to solve the trouble, we b... [MORE]
Beauty crown teeth whitening
Beauty crown teeth technology is a new kind of tooth hairdressing technology which is popular in Europe, United States and Japan. It emphasizes the co... [MORE]
What situations are suitable for whitening?
Having beautiful teeth can make people smile sweet and become confident. People's image quality has been greatly improved. There are many factors tha... [MORE]
What is the cost of ultrasonic scaling?
The scaling is an effective means of oral health care. Scaling is a good prevention of periodontal disease that can effectively clean dental calculus... [MORE]
Is blu ray whitening a good choice to treat yellow teeth?
Yellow teeth are one of the pigment teeth. The general teeth coloring problem can be treated by blu ray whitening which is widely used in the interna... [MORE]
Is cleaning teeth useful to yellow teeth?
The scaling is a good way to maintain a healthy oral hygiene. Doctors generally recommend people cleaning teeth every half a year. But many people thi... [MORE]
How to make teeth whitening fastly?
Yellow teeth often cause a lot of bad effects. For example, you will give a bad impression in the communication with the opposite sex friends resultin... [MORE]