Everyone wants to have perfect teeth but a lot of friends have suffered different degrees of missing teeth, protrusion and so on. We face a common problem that we should know how to choose a good dental hospital. Shenzhen dental hospital introduced invisible correction technique that had become a hot spot for many patients with dental deformities. Invisible braces with its visible effect become many people's favorite.
Shenzhen dental hospital is the best orthodontic center! Strictly speaking, loose teeth and braces are not necessarily related. When the alveolar bone around the root absorbs, teeth will appear loose resulting in a lot of possibility of alveolar bone resorption. If you do not pay attention to oral hygiene of periodontitis and improper orthodontic after correcting teeth, it will cause operation damage to periodontal tissue. They are also caused by the loosening of the teeth. Orthodontic treatment of alveolar bone resorbs and results in loose teeth, which is only a theoretical possibility. After the recovery of the treatment cycle, everything will return to normal!
In the process of orthodontic treatment, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone will be reconstructed. Mild loosening of teeth, acid swelling discomfort and weakness are the normal reaction in the course of treatment. After the correction, these phenomena will disappear and the teeth will return to normal.