Dental experts pointed out that the correct denture cleaning method should be after every meal or eating remove the denture, rinse carefully and with a small soft toothbrush dipped in toothpaste or soap and water to gently scrub all sides, focused on the dental tray and the inner surface of the teeth in contact with the remaining portion.
Because these parts most likely residual bacteria and plaque, oral tissue damaging. After brushing denture should be soaked in water for years, do not advocate wearing while sleeping, it is a good day for a long time to bear oppression denture oral mucosa get a good rest, and a small amount of residual dental plaque bacteria and easy to grow, reducing bacteria plaque and harmful effects on the oral cavity.
Shenzhen oral experts remind you that, in order to remove bacteria and plaque, denture can also be immersed in the chemical liquid, to achieve better cleaning and disinfection.
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