What kind of postoperative care should be done after toothwa
What kind of postoperative care should be done after toothwash? [MORE]
Dental calculus and extraction
The formation, shape and hardness of dental calculus vary greatly from person to person. In general, newly formed tartar need twelve to fifteen hours.... [MORE]
Scaling can remove tarnish
Scaling and root planning, commonly known as Scaling which is mainly aim to clear harmful substances attached to the surface of teeth, including denta... [MORE]
Why do you have dental calculus or tartar?
Dental calculus are commonly found in the salivary glands of the opening tooth surface (for example: lingual surface of the lower jaw front teeth, the... [MORE]
Can tartar be prevented?
Shenzhen dentist introduced plaque formation speed, shape, hardness vary, under normal circumstances, to be effective tartar is removed by a professio... [MORE]
What attentions do you need after removing tartar?
Toothwash is the most popular way of oral health, it is possible to remove tartar. So what needs attention after removing tartar? [MORE]
How to remove tartar?
Shenzhen oral expert points out, the fastest way to remove tartar is clean teeth. [MORE]