What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?
1, gums bleeding: the most common bleeding when brushing your teeth;
2, tooth mobility: common teeth and front teeth;
3, gingival swelling, loose teeth, tartar root exposure and more;
4, bad breath: When talking with others to be found.
What is the treatment of periodontal disease?
The main treatment of periodontitis is local therapy.The first step is to remove tartar above the gum, and then it’s time to remove the tartar and shave the bovine cementum inside periodontal pocket.Gum swelling, gum bleeding and periodontal overflow pus can be wiped out after these treatments.
In addition, we would generally place different kind of drugs in the periodontal pockets , such as iodine glycerin, compound iodine solution or antibacterial drugs, which can maintain a higher concentration of the drugs , kill bacteria inside the periodontal pocket.
If the above local and systemic treatments can not control periodontitis effectively, it is time to consider periodontal surgery to remove lesions and periodontal pockets to preserve your offending teeth.
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