What are Supernumerary Teeth?
Having supernumerary teeth is a common symptom in children. A supernumerary tooth is an extra tooth that grows next to or on one side of a normal toot... [MORE]

Why does Your Tooth Ache after Tooth Filling?
In the face oftooth loss, the most common method is to have tooth filling . But why does your toothacheafter tooth filling? There are several situatio... [MORE]

Three Reasons of Toothache after Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is a process in which the infection in the root canal is removed, and the root canal is tightly packed to isolate bacteria from r... [MORE]

Why does Tooth Inflammation Occur after Root Canal Treatment
If you dont havetreatmentfor a long timeafter having dental caries, the caries will invade the pulp from the shallow to the deep. At this time,tooth f... [MORE]

Do you need to have your tooth extracted when having a tooth
Because of toothache , some patients wantthe doctor to extract their teeth immediately, but in many cases, they dont need to or cant have their teeth ... [MORE]

Why do you have a toothache when having cold things?
If you have a toothache when having cold things, there may be the following two situations. [MORE]

The process of root canal treatment
The technology of root canal treatment is internationally recognized as the most effective treatment for pulp and periapical lesions. [MORE]

Do I need to remove the wisdom tooth?
Many friends ask: Do I need to remove the wisdom tooth? In fact, Whether you need to remove your teeth depends on the different situation. [MORE]

How to solve the oral ulcer?
Oral ulcer is a kind of disease name, and it is a kind of symptom. In general, high intensity workers, night workers, zinc, selenium and other trace e... [MORE]

How to deal with gingival inflammation?
Gingival inflammation is very common in life. It often shows the condition of gums and gums bleeding, which seriously affects people's life and diet.
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