How to treat with dental implant loosening?
Shenzhen dental expert introduced, dental implant loosening can be treated with the following methods. [MORE]
Can loose teeth be treated for porcelain teeth?
Shenzhen dentist said: loose teeth usually show the gums congestion, edema, alveolar bone absorption, which resulted in increased between teeth, tooth... [MORE]
What is the treatment of loose teeth?
Shenzhen dentist said, loose teeth can be treated to make the teeth to become strong again by the following ways. [MORE]
What is the treatment of gingivitis?
The dentist pointed out that the oral cavity clean and operation method can treat gingivitis. [MORE]
What is the gingivitis?
Gum disease is mainly caused by local stimulation factors, common gingival plaque and tartar, food impaction and bad teeth. [MORE]
What causes the pregnant woman bleeding gums?
Shenzhen dental experts introduced that, there are many reasons for the pregnant woman bleeding gums, such as the following points. [MORE]
What is the matter about bleeding gums during pregnancy?
Some of the women in the early stages of pregnancy often occur bleeding gums, swelling, fragility and other phenomena, the gum gently touching on blee... [MORE]
What is the reason for bleeding gums?
In daily life, many people will find saliva with bloodshot when they brush and this is the bleeding gums. Let's take a look at your gums bleeding is w... [MORE]
Can The Periodontics be treated successfully?
However, to succeed with the treatment, apart from the proposed treatment plan, you would also have to carry out good daily oral hygiene in order to k... [MORE]
How can you notice periodontal (gum) disease?
The patient and/or dental professional can see that the gums are red, possibly swollen and tend to bleed easily. [MORE]